Edit: updated links after re-release

Today… FINALLY… I can publicly announce the release of my debut comedy album: The Flim Trilogy (Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube). I know I’ve told many this would be published in the fall but I ran into some copyright issues (not for stealing jokes, but for stealing Rage Against the Machine music on a couple tracks) and some personal/family things after the New Year. But, in celebrating my 3 year anniversary of doing stand-up, today is finally the day to announce it.


I thought it would be nice to publicly acknowledge and thank people who have been supportive or played a role in me doing comedy and this album finally coming to fruition… yet as I write this I feel somewhat like I’m writing an Oscar acceptance speech… which is a little wacky since publishing this album is basically an award I chose to give to myself. Comedy is often thought to be a blend of self-deprecation and narcissism, so what could be more self-deprecating and narcissistic than publicly providing self-congratulations via thanking others for my self-acknowledged success?


That being said, there are many thank you’s to offer as this milestone passes. I’ll aim for something chronological. Start off with Darren Rivera who got me drunk off a 40 of Heineken in Hartford when I was 16 and first thinking of getting into comedy. Mark Sturgess, who was witness to my first ever on-stage appearance in Boston when I was 17. He’s probably been the most supportive of me doing stand-up – much appreciated. Melissa Morello for letting me hack the shit out of Dane Cook and Dave Attell bits throughout high school study halls (and for coming to Show #2). An ego boost I certainly didn’t need but welcomed. I’ll throw in Kathy Pereda because I believe she is the one who convinced me into entering BU’s Funniest Student competition – is there still a tape of that? Throw in another friend from college, Adam Giang for making me feel much less delusional about my creative pursuits.


My niece Erin Emonds who convinced me at Makris Diner in early 2013 that telling stories about brushing your teeth with shit in psych wards was something that could make strangers laugh. Rafael Reyes for helping me make a plan after that breakfast with my niece as to how I could practically take the leap into something so daunting as becoming a comic. Winston’s Bar in Ocean Beach, CA for hosting the resurrection of my comedy life at their open mic on March 29, 2013.


Brian Plumb and Derek Santos for advising me on how to find my first show. Accidentally, it was a bringer, thanks to Mike Flannery and Alex Dickey for coming. Thanks to Richard Cyr / Rich Cyr Comedian for giving me my first ‘real’ show at J Lynn Harvest Pub in Southington, CT in March of 2014. Michael Briskin for introducing me that night. Bunch of folks for coming to that show: Colleen Emonds, Mike Emonds, Colleen Emonds, Jody Campanella, Matt Carlone, Alison O Keefe, Patrick Mahoney, others I apologize for leaving out. I got a lot of support over the following summer (which was, for lack of a better word, crazy) from folks like Tim and Erik at the Hearing Voices Group as well as Sean Blackwell of BipolarOrWakingUp and Kumail Akbari at NewLightBeings for similar support.


Fast-forward to Show #2 in April 2015 at Max Bibo’s where a bunch of great comics came out: Nick Carron, Danny Williams, Laura Fattaruso, Kathy Lynch, and Andrew Brown. Nick and Laura also host the dopest open mic in the CT River Valley in Northampton, MA. Lota of good friends came to that show too like Rob Sullivan, Rob Hutter, Nick Tinnirella, Joshua Parent, and Maroof Ahmad. And thanks to Seth Weatherby for hooking up the sound for that show last minute. And an even more special thanks to Jason Wang for the memorable introduction.


And the last three folks who I have the most to thank. My mystical girlfriend Sherri Huang who I met just before my first show and who has been an unequivocally supportive person. Her laughter is the best drug I’ve consumed. They say laughter is the best medicine, but the medicine is most effective when you are the recipient of the laughter, not necessarily the one doing the laughing. She’s awesomely amazing. Of course thanks to my old man, Bill Flannery, who despite having to deal with his son’s ridiculous and relentless obnoxiousness in the public spotlight, still supported me by driving me to Boston when I was 17 to try my first open mic and attended every show I ever did in CT. And lastly, a thanks to the only friend of mine who attended both of my recorded comedy shows, Mikey Sullivan. We shared a crib together. And many laughs. Many, many laughs. Mikey was my best friend. He was probably a lot of people’s best friend… because that’s what he was: the best friend anyone could have. And I miss him dearly.