You’re just a fucking idiot.

Let’s proceed.

If you were led to believe that July 7, 2023 (or 7/7/2023) was your lucky day just because the sum of the digits of the year add up to 7, then I’m glad to inform you that you were incorrect in your assertions about luck and/or numerology.

As with all the news delivered by your favorite court jester, there is an unfortunate piece of bad news that we can laugh about now or later.  Have it as a mediocre riddle:

if you write your days as month/day/year, then your day may just be in fabulous shape

if you write your days as day/month/year, then you may have to relocate to enjoy the date

Moving on from the regrettable (I’ll trade you a joke for a smoke later, nigga) to the facts:

  • we’ve just passed by July 16 and
  • we are approaching July 25.

If nothing special happened in your life on July 16 (7/16/2023), maybe you should take a break to appreciate whatever did or did not happen that day.  Hopefully you’ve survived the sarcasm of the space between the 7’s this special holiday season and are instead looking forward to July 25 (7/25/2023), which will be our final 7/7/7 for about 9 or 10 years… right on schedule, nigga.

Want a name for the holiday?  Want a name for the time period between them?

I, too, wish for names for all these things, but, am instead focusing my intention on what the fuck is or isn’t going down on July 25, 2023.

Lastly, I’m sorry to Patrick. I wish I’d sent this sooner… I truly meant to.

That is all for now.