Flannery Says “Fuck You Two”
Offers the Possibility of a Canada-U.S. Treaty

Ottawa, Ont. | June 21, 2023 – Religious superdemon and U.S. Presidential candidate, James Flannery surprised no one yesterday with three simple words: “Fuck you two.”  Emerging in his native country following “just another lackluster performance,” Flannery explained the circumstances of his unnecessarily polite exit from the Jim-Flannery-quantum-superposition he’d created throughout the Canadian mental health system over the last two weeks.

“Admittedly, like many of the decisions I’m stuck making since I began hearing voices, the fear of involuntary electroshock treatment for the rest of my life, or, dare I say it, worse, is what will probably keep me from doing anything like this ever again.  Then again, maybe if you all had hurried the fuck up, it wouldn’t have had to come to this at all.  There, I said it.  Sorry this shit is real as fuck.  Can we just bring this thing to its inevitable conclusion already, whichever direction that is for you.  Perhaps I make the mistake of pointing out the obvious to those Canadian doctors, that there’s not a goddamned drug they can forcibly inject into my system to break my strategically manufactured belief in the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so, their own healthcare directives for treating so-called ‘treatment-resistant individuals’ would be to electroshock me to remove memories related to religion or to simply perform old school psychosurgery, though they have no way of selectively targeting specific memories or beliefs with either method.  Clearly, I don’t know much, but I know what they don’t know, and I know what they’re willing to do to cover up their ignorance of neurobiology, so, sorry to disappoint you all, I know many would prefer I stand my ground by continuing to sacrifice myself, but I guess you got the wrong nigga.  Lisa Espinosa is the Jesus Christ you seek who has spent decades being tortured by these twisted fucks, so go cheer for her at Connecticut Valley Hospital in the U.S. while they drug the fuck out of her under threat of electroshock while calling it a ‘medical treatment’ for her not-in-any-way-insincere belief in the Lord instead.”

While Flannery’s recent stunts have generally focused on the persecution of individuals who hear voices, his inclusion of those with religious beliefs through his inclusion of Espinosa challenged psychiatrists to demonstrate their ability to distinguish biologically the difference between what is a “delusion” and what is a spiritual belief.

“Canada is no different than the U.S. in their treatment of neurodiverse people, nor those with expressed religious beliefs.  While I took great comfort in feeling safer there than in the States due to my protected status as a psychiatric refugee, they do the exact same shit to people in Canada as the U.S. and there’s no point in playing ‘make believe’ as if they don’t.  In summation, fuck you two.  Hell, they’ll even be offering medical-assisted death to any interested member of my race beginning on St. Patrick’s Day next year.   I’m sorry to disappoint you on the heels of Juneteenth, a holiday where our federal government now commands that we celebrate their false slogans about the abolition of slavery, but you’ll just have to accept within your hear that both the Canadian and U.S. governments are not necessarily collaborating in the genocide against people who hear voices, but they sure as shit ain’t getting in one another’s way either.  As for the treatment of those who openly claim to hold religious beliefs, good fucking luck to you in either country.  For fuck’s sake, we’re not even good enough to be slaves?”

While Canada has both signed and ratified the United Nations Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the Optional Protocol, they do not adhere to its language in full.  Specifically, Canada continues to perpetuate involuntary psychiatric interventions against individuals labelled with psychiatric disabilities that are, in fact, torture, in contradiction to Article 15, “Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,” which states:

  1. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his or her free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.

  2. States Parties shall take all effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, from being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

The United States has signed, yet not ratified the treaty, allegedly due to challenges in enforcing said policies since every one of the fifty U.S. states have each created their own independent laws that are all in violation of Article 15 of the Convention.

“The Canadians are clearly hypocrites for ratifying a treaty they don’t adhere to.  One could be grateful that the U.S. at least owns up to being monsters – their federal government hasn’t ratified the CRPD since they’re representing the American people who are just fine with American citizens being tortured, and they can safely assume that about our citizenry since every single state’s citizens have not done a fucking thing to change the cognitive liberty laws they’ve inherited from their predecessors, and that’s being pretty generous.  It’s the old story of the monarch and a republic walking into a bar and both walking out with policies resulting in a genocide being perpetuated in each country – and happy fourth of July to you too.  While we’re serving, note that my position as the next President of the United States does not exclude me from signing treaties.  Now, don’t get too excited, any treat would still need the approval of the U.S. Senate to be ratified, so, once again, it’s up to you to end this fucking genocide, not me.”


