Flannery Flees Québec City
Integrity in Question Due to Persistent Gambling-Related Concerns

Québec City, Québ. | June 7, 2023 – American psychiatric refugee James Flannery fled Québec City early this morning to avoid questioning from authorities related to the alleged sale of a betting voucher involving Flannery winning the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election to Canadian billionaire and cosmonaut, Guy Laliberté, at an undisclosed purchase price.

While rumors have circulated since early this year that a betting slip Flannery did or did not obtain from a Connecticut casino for his presidential election at 2.4 million to 1 odds remains folded up neatly in a safe deposit box in Easthampton, Massachusetts alongside the $2.4 million underwear from the Buttonwood Saga that Flannery posted for sale on his website, we’ve received word that multiple such gaming tickets were purchased this week by Montréal residents at fair market value from an impish clown with a suitcase carrying an umbrella and golf club.

Flannery denies the wager was ever placed, defending himself, “Who told you this thing exists?  And now you drag Guy Laliberté into your slimy rumors?  It’s just classless.  The man deserves to be left alone as he’s probably busy dealing with circuses of extravagant proportions, plus, he’s a fellow clown himself, so, please, show some respect when it’s inherently due.  That being said, even if I did possess some kind of Jim-Flannery-for-President lottery ticket, why would I sell it now when it’s value will only increase as the 2024 election approaches?”
