Flannery Absent from Americas’ Open
Event Goes on as Planned
Montréal, Que. | June 6, 2023 – Amidst the mundane sideshow of croissants, English muffins, and legalized prostitution on display about throughout Montréal, a centennial gathering of elite roulette players that dates back to a carnival from the Americas of 1123 took place last evening: the Americas’ Open. Devoted competitors throughout the ages have endured the red, black and lightly greened pilgrimage to the northern hemisphere for the event billed as the “Ceremony of the Century,” held outdoors just past midnight on Île Sainte-Hélène, where the first Open is known to have taken place in spite of legendary rainfalls. Though the beloved celebration of dry luck is said to have been discontinued upon the European takeover of the American continents, marble and wheel could be audibly heard from as far as Notre Dame Isle amidst the laughter and cries. Under the shadow of the eve, in an intimate setting free of neither magnets, electricity, nor state-run casinos, players howled through the night ‘till but one remained, while, alongside the festivities, by an enigmatically gray Canadian Post mail box, rest a suitcase, umbrella, and pitching wedge; Flannery’s absence largely unnoticed.