Connecticut Valley Hospital Petition Nears Completion
Inpatients On Track to Beat Canada in Winning Right to Medical Assisted Suicide
Middletown, Conn. | July 27, 2023 – While celebrations of good fortune from the first three 7-7-7 holidays of the month have preoccupied most if not all of the great citizens of the United States and Canada alike, U.S. presidential candidate and American psychiatric refugee Jim Flannery has surpassed all expectations by bestowing upon as yet another precious gift of unimaginable worth for the final 7-7-7 of the season: a nearly complete petition by the people currently held against their will at Connecticut Valley Hospital demanding their right to medical assisted suicide (or “medical assisted death” for Canadians). In what appears to be an effort by Flannery to accelerate the conveyor belt of murder being operated by the state of Connecticut’s Department of Mental Health, Flannery denies being a turncoat at all to his fellow voice-hearers, and instead insists, just as the perpetrators of said genocide do, that’s he’s merely doing what’s best for them.
“You may get that impression about me, but it’s quite simple, the genocide of people who hear voices may be the most significant circumstance of our time, and if I can’t stop it, I might as well help my home state of Connecticut win first prize for running the most efficient system for exterminating my race from their land. I just want what you want, to kill every fucking last one of them so we never have to think about them, ever. That’s your final solution and I think that based on the voting record of every state in this country, the People have spoken: death to the voice-hearers,” Flannery explained.
While Flannery’s hostility to his own people deserves a Method acting award, this reporter is not nearly as disturbed by his effort to lift the voices of the oppressed in demanding their right to be murdered by their own government as she is about the fact that these people locked inside of Connecticut Valley Hospital are already fucking dead. Perhaps young Flannery has taken a page out of the Sandy Hook manifesto after all by saving these people from lifelong suffering by finding a legal mechanism to put them out of their misery, then again, perhaps all he did was steal some legislature he found in Canada that’s set to go into effect on St. Patrick’s Day 2024 and didn’t want his country or home state to be stuck with the shame and humiliation of wearing a silver medal.