Jim Flannerys, Probably, and Technically cover

By Jim Flannerys, Probably, and Technically

a telenovela by Jim Flannerys

Jim Flannery

One might ask "why"?





never, without


You too


01. The JUSTWIN Algorithm Explained

02. On Executive Orders

03. On “What do we all do if…”

04. Why no FEC filing?

05. On the Contributions

06. On the First Lady Amendment

07. The Birthday Loophole

08. Why the fascination with 2.4 million dollars?

09. Sorry to Libertarians (or maybe even libertarianism)

10. The Inevitable N-Word Essay

11. Slavery

12. The LGBTQ Subject(s)

13. How many voices do you hear anyways?

14. On Psychiatric Beliefs and Constitutional Law

15. And this might be the reason why we choose to write in this inarticulate manner

16. ‘Drugs’ could be a title for this digital artifact if it had one

17. What would you tell your kids about what to do if they get pulled over by the police in America?

18. And now for a post entirely by, you guessed it (we’re in D.C. too, nigga), my fucking headmates

19. Is there or is there not a war going on in the world right now related to voice hearing, Jim?

20. And this is partly how We do it, in case this post doesn’t appear by the time the (actual? wtf) next one might or might not be posted.

21. Who are you and why are you running for President of these united states, Jim Flannery?

22. Do we need the President of these united states to at least ratify treaties?

23. Why are you so interested in international relations at all, Jim?

24. What about those SBIR grants?

25. Now let’s get on with it, Jimbo Skittles

26. How about your businesses or your life, Jim?

27. What else are you worrying about, my Love?

28. Are you or were you ever a failure as a teacher, Jim, that’s what I’m asking right now

29. If you’re so unhappy here why don’t you just get the fuck out

30. Accidents, Jim, are sometimes on Purpose

31. A Joke or Not a Joke walks into the Supreme Court

32. What are we going to title this one if it’s not “Waiting for Middletown”?

33. Why can’t we sleep together, Jim?

34. Why can’t you just admit you suck at golf?

35. When will we ever be done with this, Jim?

36. Why aren’t we drinking kombucha right now?

37. What’s going on with PUN and how ‘bout that trough of sorrow?

38. Climate change is a nightmare topic, so, at least, is it even real?

39. What are you eating right now that Eddie Murphy isn’t, Jim?

40. What ever happened to the billion gallon biofuels vision?

41. What are the consequences, in your opinion and only yours, Jim, of being a comedian who is also running for President?

42. Can you stop using drugs during your presidency, Jim?

43. Why is it beginning to feel like your entire international policy is being led by drug policy?

44. What about gambling, Jim, what about international policy led by your gambling debts?

45. If the Devil told you not to do something, would you do it just to spite them?

46. How do you feel about the police right now, Jim Flannery?

47. Should we be worried at least about the tower on top of Mount Tom in Easthampton?

48. What’s your deal with the suicide hotlines, Jim?

49. What if we call in a wellness check on you right now, Jim Flannery?

50. What song aren’t you listening to right now, Jim Flannery?

51. What’s your story about the N.S.A., Jim?

52. What are we going to do if you are angry, Jim?

53. Whatever happened to flim jannery?

54. Then what are we now, Jim?