a telenovela

If it’s true that binding agreement to becoming a libertarian (or Libertarian, cualquier-cosa at this point) is signing an oath of non-aggression, then one would have to look pretty close at the word “non-aggression” before signing their life away to a fucking political party, though I gotta admit, it sound pretty nice.

But what does “non-aggression” mean if you have to spend your whole life with the government’s boot on your fucking head?

(Though, yeah, of course, some of you sound pretty wonderful, feel free to ditch your party when it comes to voting for the President of these United States if you were already planning on voting, of course – though, yeah, we did just sorta burgle the entire principal of libertarianism, one might say – not our fault?)


Addendum 2.21.2023 – green party? wtf with the colors, nigga?  why must they be mentioned if we’re trashing libertarians?  who said we weren’t?  we just did it.  did WHAT?  fuck your caps, dude, just get some sleep next time.