What I Wish You Knew About Mental Health

**Join me in protesting the American Psychiatric Association on May 6, 2018 in New York City via our ** Facebook Group Music by Bigg Stuggz at Trainwreck Audio   Psychiatric “Treatment” is Horrible I wish you knew that psychiatric treatment is fucking torture.  In fact, the World Health Organization and United Nations have condemned it…

My Experience at Not Back to School Camp

This summer, I had the privilege of being invited to work at Not Back to School Camp, an annual summer camp for unschoolers.  To call it a “summer camp” almost feels like an injustice to the event, as it is an experience that far exceeds any expectation one might have of a summer camp.  Since I…

State of the Startup: June 2016

There are lots of books written by successful people looking backward at their careers and I always thought it would be cooler to have one from the perspective of someone when he’s down and out and clawing his way to the top. Of course that book would only become an interesting read if the author…