Welcome to the inside of my brain!

crazy faced jim

I started my blog as a means to develop my seemingly rapid and disconnected thoughts into a communicable, organized form. I also find writing is a useful exercise for building emotional resilience in sharing these thoughts with the public. I find it frightening to be so exposed, yet also exciting to see what kind of response I get from people. Plus, it’s revealing to look backward to reflect on what topics I’ve written about over time as my story unfolds.


Reflecting on 5 Years of Stand-Up Comedy


This was originally written on April 20, 2018.  I set a fuse on it to publish exactly one year later to avoid the discomfort of publishing my personal thoughts and feelings in real-time.March 29, 2018 is the five year anniversary of the first time I performed stand-up at Winston’s Open Mic in Ocean Beach, San…

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I discovered that 7Cups.com is “hacking” their own website to trick depressed people into using their service.

Topic(s): ,

To share my recent discovery about 7cups.com, I have to first reveal two personal things I’m often ashamed of and shy about broadcasting: sometimes I get quite melancholy and part of my income comes from freelance digital marketing. While the comic in me wants to suggest that #1 is a consequence of #2, they are…

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State of the Startup: July 2017


Just like in my 2016 State of the Startup post, I put a time fuse on this post.  This article was written one year ago.  Simply put, it’s really hard to publish about these kind of personal things “in the moment” but I want to share them because I think it may benefit others.  So…

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Jim Flannery

My speech from the American Psychiatric Association Protest


To watch all the speeches from the APA protest, visit ProtestAPA.com. For details on my feelings about the protest, you can watch my two previous videos: – What I Wish You Knew About Mental Health – Why I’m Protesting the American Psychiatric Association My Speech from the APA Protest When I was trying to plan…

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What I Wish You Knew About Mental Health


**Join me in protesting the American Psychiatric Association on May 6, 2018 in New York City via our ** Facebook Group Music by Bigg Stuggz at Trainwreck Audio   Psychiatric “Treatment” is Horrible I wish you knew that psychiatric treatment is fucking torture.  In fact, the World Health Organization and United Nations have condemned it…

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School Sucks so Start Your Own: live workshop


As some may know, I recently started writing a book titled “School Sucks so Start Your Own.”  The book describes how young people can take their educational destiny into their own hands by starting their own self-directed learning communities in their areas. In the fall and spring, I ran workshops at libraries and other venues…

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Decided to write something while I’m depressed


This was originally written on December 30, 2016.  I set a fuse on it to publish exactly one year later to avoid the discomfort of publishing this kind of article in real-time. They say many of the great writers produced their best work while they were depressed.  I’d look up who those people are but…

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To my younger self: Speaking Out


Thought this might be useful to anyone interested in getting involved in activism… Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

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The Government is Trying to Plant a Chip in My Brain: An Autopsy of a Startup


The U.S. government just took its first step toward forcing microchips into people.  Naturally, they are doing it for your own protection. To be more specific, two weeks ago, the FDA approved a new drug for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia which includes a digital sensor that allows health care providers (and government) to track whether…

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To my younger self: Regarding Addiction


I thought maybe this would be useful to anyone struggling with addiction… Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

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My Experience at Not Back to School Camp


This summer, I had the privilege of being invited to work at Not Back to School Camp, an annual summer camp for unschoolers.  To call it a “summer camp” almost feels like an injustice to the event, as it is an experience that far exceeds any expectation one might have of a summer camp.  Since I…

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To my younger self: Quit School!


It appears that I’ve started a Vlog… If you check the YouTube videos themselves, all references are included.  I’ve omitted them from this page since it would take up so much space. PART 1: Part 2: The Rebuttal Part 3: Do it for Humanity Part 4: How it’s Done

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State of the Startup: June 2016


There are lots of books written by successful people looking backward at their careers and I always thought it would be cooler to have one from the perspective of someone when he’s down and out and clawing his way to the top. Of course that book would only become an interesting read if the author…

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