Finding common ground between our movements: psychiatric survivors and the broader disability community

This essay was included in the November 22, 2019 newsletter for MindFreedom International, a non-profit organization that fights for human rights in mental health. I was recently invited by my new friend Tom Olin to attend an event in Washington, DC titled ‘Humanity of Connection: A Celebration of Leadership and Empowerment within the Disability Community’. …

My Cool Project Bucket List

Recently, I ran a workshop for a group of teens where we went through a brainstorming process for generating project ideas.  I thought it’d be fun to share a list of my own dream projects, all of which I hope to complete before I die.  I guess that makes this my “project bucket list”.  As…

State of the Startup: July 2018

Note to reader: this was written in July of 2018 and was supposed to be published in July of 2019… I never published it due to my discomfort with certain parts of the article, so I’m posting it now on June 3, 2021.   State of the Startup: July 2018 This is the third installment…

Reflecting on 5 Years of Stand-Up Comedy

This was originally written on April 20, 2018.  I set a fuse on it to publish exactly one year later to avoid the discomfort of publishing my personal thoughts and feelings in real-time. March 29, 2018 is the five year anniversary of the first time I performed stand-up at Winston’s Open Mic in Ocean Beach,…

State of the Startup: July 2017

Just like in my 2016 State of the Startup post, I put a time fuse on this post.  This article was written one year ago.  Simply put, it’s really hard to publish about these kind of personal things “in the moment” but I want to share them because I think it may benefit others.  So…