This just in – watch this shit or die
“Beige” premieres today on Fox
HARTFORD, Conn. | February 22, 2023 – “What’s up” to all my telepathic niggas out there. This here be this reporter dropping some bomb shit on ya’ll from Jim Flannery’s website. Since his sorry ass is extinct as fuck and the only thing he has left to do is drop dead of a heart attack at the St. Patrick’s Day parade, I’m pleased to announce the release of our dear friend Raggedy Rob’s show “Beige” on Fox Soul. In the absence of a quote from our dearest deceased telepath, let me just remind you that Rob Santos never, ever, and I mean never, referred to that big fat bitch on CTN as “that woke lady from CTN who wears the tears of the oppressed around her neck like some Gucci necklace” since we all know that cunt was wearing nothing more than a gay bracelet. We look forward to her support in ending electroshock treatment in the state of Connecticut by advocating for the passage of S.B. 1070, unless of course she is actually just some dumb broad who goes around flaunting gay accessories to virtue signal her support of oppressed populations. Nigga, this reporter is done for now, hope to see you all at the parade. And sorry to all our fat friends out there, but this twat had it coming for how she treated my beloved during his public testimony about Whiting Forensic Hospital in 2020. Peace!