Announcing the Release of “YTF”
Flannery pays tribute to Canada’s mental health system
Glastonbury, Conn. | March 17, 2025 – In defiance of Home Box Office, Inc., Jim Flannery released his long-awaited HBO special, “YTF,” on his own website this morning. When asked for a quote about why he didn’t go to Netflix instead, Flannery had this to say, “Why don’t you ask Netflix and HBO for a quote about where the fuck all their comedians’ comedy specials go after they’ve kicked them to the curb. I can’t even watch ‘Bring the Pain’ without stealing it just like I steal all of Chris Rock’s material. All of it. Just tell them ‘YTF’ is nothing more than an hour of me talking about the niggas versus the black people. And, if you want to, let them know Grandpa Bernie told me to tell them that I ain’t scared of you motherfuckers saying I’m a goddamned joke thief. Yes, you’ve got two, I can’t see one, nigga? What the fuck. Just stop. Seriously just stop writing all this shit. Just put something in there about how these companies are fucking comedians and their viewers and even Chris Rock, ok?”
While this reporter is just as upset about the harsh reality that “Red Skelton’s Christmas Dinner” was taken off HBO, perhaps flim jannery can come out of his hole to admit that this is really all about Gary Gulman’s HBO comedy special “The Great Depresh” containing an explicit endorsement of electroshock treatment.
“How about this. I have no interest in publicly critiquing comedians on what they say on stage, ok? I want them to say whatever the fuck they want all day long. But, yes, if you are going to press me on this, then, yeah, Gulman could have at least mentioned permanent memory loss being a well-known side effect of electroshock. Then again, maybe he just forgot.”
While Gulman’s performance describes voluntary electroshock treatment, it would appear Flannery is stuck in an uncompromised position in his advocacy against people exercising their free will to undergo medical procedures of their choosing. “Don’t fucking print that. For fuck’s sake, how many times do I have to explain this. If people want to zap their fucking brains out, please, by all means, go for it. They’ve got a parking space at the Institute of Living just waiting for ya. Just don’t go forcing this shit on people. And while you’re at it, mention S.B. 1070 in this fucking thing so people can help make a difference. Do you need a joke here? Alright, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went the fucking government tied that bitch down to a table and zapped her fucking brain into oblivion ‘till Mary couldn’t even remember where her cunt was. And, of course, thank you for setting me up there. I appreciate you.”
While this reporter is not the least bit disturbed by Flannery’s hostilities toward fictional lambs, she is far more concerned about determining when flim’s “YTF” special was actually recorded to discover whether or not he lied in his joke theft lawsuit against HBO. Furthermore, I’m pissed that I wasn’t invited since the special was supposedly recorded at an ecstatic dance venue and he didn’t bother to invite me.
Post Script: calling all Canadian clowns… see u on Saint Pat’s in 2027 for the final solution