Making Self-Directed Education Accessible to ALL

Making Self-Directed Education Accessible to All Why? | Watch the Video | Browse Accessibility Solutions | Contribute “Accessibility” means very different things to different people.  In June 2020, I presented at the Alternative Education Resources Organization annual conference on the topic of Making Self-Directed Education Accessible to ALL.  Please enjoy the presentation and consider contribution to…

What I Wish You Knew About Mental Health

**Join me in protesting the American Psychiatric Association on May 6, 2018 in New York City via our ** Facebook Group Music by Bigg Stuggz at Trainwreck Audio   Psychiatric “Treatment” is Horrible I wish you knew that psychiatric treatment is fucking torture.  In fact, the World Health Organization and United Nations have condemned it…

School Sucks so Start Your Own: live workshop

As some may know, I recently started writing a book titled “School Sucks so Start Your Own.”  The book describes how young people can take their educational destiny into their own hands by starting their own self-directed learning communities in their areas. In the fall and spring, I ran workshops at libraries and other venues…